Automation and Simplification
  • Angular : Simplified the ticket resolving process by developing a ticket tracking website using angular to track the progress and details of the complaint tickets integrated with workflow functionality to monitor its flow until it is reached in resolved state.
  • R : Reduced the complaint tickets count by performing analytics, text mining and prediction using ARIMA forecast model on ticket data using R programming. Developed an interactive website using shiny package charts for visualization along with the option of saving the visualized components using RMD files.
  • Python : Saved time for writing code for different database queries by building a wizard which will help to connect, edit or add the database connections to different types of databases from UI.
  • Drupal : Successfully automated Drupal tasks of fixing common coder issues by 70% using a simple script command and created custom Drush command for automating the tasks of deleting unnecessary revision field present in the database.